The level, extent and applicability of the large amount of Health and Safety Legislation will vary depending on the size of your business but there are certain basic legal obligations that all businesses have to observe and comply with. Operating a structured health and safety system benefits all parties, employee and employer.
The words health and safety seem to inspire fear for some and a visit from a Health and Safety Executive Enforcement Officer is unlikely to be a laughing matter for any organisation. Add to that the fact that people are increasingly going to 'no win no fee' organisations when they have an accident at work and that the resulting claims can be very difficult to defend and very expensive. Businesses adopting a structured approach to Health and safety management can minimise the threat by identifying potential risks.
The resulting records and defined training stages can also help if you do find yourself having to defend against a claim. By having your health and safety under control you can demonstrate that the risks were considered and the measures taken were in the words of the HSE, reasonably practicable in an effort to minimise the risks and the possible outcomes.
OHSAS18001 was first issued in 1999 and was developed in response to customer demand for a recognisable occupational health and safety management system standard against which their management system could be assessed and certified. This standard takes a structured approach to health and safety management and is compatible with ISO9001 and ISO14001; all three standards can be integrated having a common layout and some common elements. Organisations can now achieve third party certification for their Occupational Health and Safety management system to OHSAS18001. Although not a requirement under the raft of legislation its use can help to formalise the approach.
JWS Solutions can offer a wide range of services connected with managing your Health and Safety in the workplace. We don't, however, carryout risk assessments it is better for the Company themselves to complete these so we train our clients to understand how to achieve the best risk assessment. JWS will give you the management systems you need and we can help with the integration of your other systems, such as ISO9001 and ISO14001, into one manageable business management system. The services offered are detailed below:-
- Writing Health and Safety Policies including intent, organisation and arrangements.
- Advice on compliance with basic legal obligations.
- Full documentation of a Health & Safety Management system to OHSAS 18001.
- Integration of your Health & Safety Management System into management systems such as ISO9001 and ISO14001.
- Training in connection with setting-up, implementing and maintaining a Health & Safety Management System.
- OHSAS18001 registration assistance working with you and your chosen Assessing Body.
JWS provides all types of training, consulting and support assistance to companies wishing to develop systems in compliance with OHSAS18001.